Library Management is one of the key modules of Mojo Americas. This helps capture, store and identify business records, based on the record management policies of a company. In this way it helps minimize the risks.


A. Business Record Management
B. Effective Modules
C. What is Library Management
D. What is Advantage of Library Management
E. Finding A Needle in A Haystack

A. Business Record Management

A business user can access any document anytime, anywhere as per his/her convenience.

Any file, document or email can be managed according to the defined record policy of an organization.

B. Effective Modules

In the world class Office Management Platform (Mojo), Library Management module helps digitally every user for the most effective business usability and procedures at any given point of time.

It helps users to track changes on each file.

It helps trace the access on each file/document with date & time stamp for tracking user efficiency.

Detailed reporting of every record is maintained at all times, for easy access to the administrator/management.

C. What is Library Management

Records management is basically the process of creating, maintaining, using and disposing records in an organized way. This helps achieve a transparent, accountable and efficient governance.

D. Advantages of Library Management

It increases the efficiency of any function due to clean, effective and efficient flow of data information.

Orderly storage of data helps in easy access at any given point of time.

It helps to maintain reliable and validated data in a streamlined manner.

E. Finding A Needle in A Haystack

With appropriate categorization and classification, it is easy to find, access and use any data which enables faster turn-around and the business-critical decisions can be taken quickly and effectively.

Organizing content into sites and folders allows users to simply browse important files

Powerful search helps find key information within seconds

Filters and tags allow users to refine search criteria to reduce the number of documents returned - making it easy to find the right document